The most complete collection of MacOS system images

M-chips are not supported

Mac Poison has collected a very comprehensive MacOS system image for you today, which is divided into lazy version installation and original installation package.


The most complete collection of MacOS system images Software Recommendation 1

macOS Sierra 10.12.1 supports Clover installation

Introduction to the system

macOS Sierra 10.12.1 16B2657 Lazy Edition installation image suitable for chameleon or clover boot installation

Based on the original production, download the original app installation file in the AppStore for the first time, unpack, add the necessary driver of the black apple and replace the mbr patch, I tested and installed it, the system is stable and smooth, the installation process needs to adjust the boot parameters according to your own configuration, and if you encounter any problems during the installation process, you can contact us directly to provide help

MD5 value:

Lazy Install macOS Sierra 16B2657.7z.001 = 46ae3e0e84d9fa423a702a6b8aa55045

Lazy Install macOS Sierra 16B2657.7z.002 = 3d11d0c9c956023b9ca24bd2ca91d047

Lazy Install macOS Sierra 16B2657.cdr = 167a608dd8b683363b5f7fd9e23c1029

macOS Sierra 10.12.1 Original Installer Clover Installs a USB flash drive image

Introduction to the system

Comes with Clover 3882 version of macOS Sierra 10.12.1 (16B2657) original image

System Introduction:

Based on the original production, download the original app installation file in the AppStore for the first time, unpack, add the necessary driver and EFI boot file of the black apple, I passed the test installation, the system is stable and smooth, the installation process needs to adjust the boot parameters according to your own configuration, and if you encounter any problems during the installation process, you can contact us directly to provide help

MD5 value:

Clover Install macOS Sierra 16B2657.7z.001 = 974fddb8d5da04c24d6ede7da88ae710

Clover Install macOS Sierra 16B2657.7z.002 = 3f1636fb7261b5a113e9fbf5529000bc

Clover Install macOS Sierra 16B2657.7z.003 = 2484b3c4c0819d8e183bd484d8a15345

Clover Install macOS Sierra 16B2657.dmg? ? = 2d011a6e9a9d0c915361ebaa99662ee9


macOS Sierra 10.12.2 supports Clover installation

Introduction to the system

Install macOS Sierra 10.12.2 (16C67) lazy version installation image for chameleon and clover boot installation

Based on the original production, download the original app installation file in the AppStore for the first time, unpack, add the necessary driver of the black apple and replace the mbr patch, I tested and installed it, the system is stable and smooth, the installation process needs to adjust the boot parameters according to your own configuration, and if you encounter any problems during the installation process, you can contact us directly to provide help


macOS Sierra 10.12.2 Original Installer Clover Installs a USB flash drive image

Introduction to the system

As far as I know, the 10.12.2 version of the system has been released after 6 beta versions, and the update is not a lot, but it is creative to support the use of Boot Camp to install Windows 8 and Windows 7 on supported Macs, please see the official update instructions or check the update content below the article.

Updated content

Optimized the settings and reliability of the "Auto Unlock" feature

Allows Chinese handwriting input buttons to be added to the Touch Bar Control Strip

Screenshots of the Touch Bar can be taken using the Grab app or the Cmd-Shift-6 shortcut

Fixes an issue that caused the Touch Bar emoji picker to appear on the display

Addresses a graphics card issue on MacBook Pro (October 2016) computers

Fixes an issue where System Integrity Protection is disabled on some MacBook Pro (October 2016) computers

Optimized settings and opt-out experience for iCloud Desktop and Documents

Fixed an issue with the delivery of "Optimize Storage" alerts

Improves audio quality when using Bluetooth headphones for Siri and FaceTime interactions

Improves the stability of Photos when creating and ordering albums

Fix an issue where when using a Microsoft Exchange account, incoming messages don't appear in Mail

Fixed an issue where Safari extensions downloaded from outside of the Safari Extensions library could not be installed

Support for new installations of Windows 8 and Windows 7 on supported Macs using Boot Camp

macOS Sierra 10.12.3 supports Clover installation

Introduction to the system

Brief introduction:

A few days ago, Apple updated macOS Sierra 10.12.3,I wanted to wait for the next year to make an image upload and share,First, because this version of the update content is not a lot and is not an important update,Second, now the New Year in the hometown network is not very good and there is no time,But there are still many friends who privately chat about me wanting this version of the mirror,So I took the time to download and only did the lazy version and the original version of the image upload and share with the four-leaf clover。 The image is based on the latest macOS Sierra 10.12.3 (16D32) in the App Store, with some necessary drivers added.

Updated content

Improved automatic switching graphics mode on MacBook Pro (15-inch, October 2016).

Fixes an issue where scanned PDF documents can't be searched in Preview

macOS Sierra 10.12.3 Original Installer Clover Install a USB flash drive image

Introduction to the system

Brief introduction:

The attachment to this article is based on macOS Sierra 10.12.3 (16D32) original APP image made with four-leaf clover black apple original installation image tool,It is suitable to use the tool to write to the U disk for installation,The system image comes with Clover v2.3k r3986,As of press time, it is the latest version,Of course, you can download or use your own four-leaf clover to replace and install。 Each system is difficult to install to your computer without boot configuration,That is to say, you must download the boot file according to your own hardware configuration information to configure,There are many users who don't care about downloading anything and putting it on the hard disk double-click just like install,For this part of the user, I can only Baidu Baidu.

Updated content

Improved automatic switching graphics mode on MacBook Pro (15-inch, October 2016).

Fixes an issue where scanned PDF documents can't be searched in Preview


macOS Sierra 10.12.4 supports Clover installation

Introduction to the system

macOS Sierra 10.12.4 (16E195) Lazy Edition installation image



This installation image is based on macOS Sierra 10.12.4 (16E195) vanilla InstallESD.dmg (MD5: dbfc61de97e8ee9093ee965e6e969639), only replacing the OSinatll file so that it can be installed on the MBR partition. Added the necessary driver FakeSMC.kext in the ExtraExtensions directory does not contain graphics card and CPU temperature plug-ins, etc., and PS2 driver VoodooPS2Controller.kext(1.8.21), using the disabled power management driver: NullCPUPowerManagement.kext, emphasizing that if you don't have a PS2 keyboard and mouse, you can delete 2 PS2 drivers. In addition, some laptops need to remove the original power management to install, if the original power management is removed, you can remove the disabled power management driver.

Changes from the previous lazy version: Chameleon default profile, detection graphics card turned off.



Because today's machines use more GTX650 graphics cards, if you turn it on, it will cause a white screen, and the ATI graphics card will also cause problems, if you have problems installing with this version, please adjust your chameleon boot profile according to your own machine. Model file:smbios.plsit defaults to 14,1 model,Many netizens card DSMOS,Please delete the smbios.plist file in this Extra directory or add a suitable model according to your own model,Notebook recommended to use 8,1 9,1 model,Ultrabook is suitable for 5.,2 models,Other machines please configure by yourself。

This image supports hard disk assistant to write to hard disk partitions for installation, and supports VMware Workstation virtual machine installation.

Installation method,Actually, the lazy version of the pure image,It's just the installation source,But the installation also needs the following conditions,Boot method,Support Chameleon boot (requires SVN2.4Ver2877 or above official support,SVN2.4 Enoch Ver2880 version recommended),Because macOS Sierra 10.12.4 (16E195) has fully supported the Haswell platform, It is recommended for all users of the Haswell platform to install (chameleon boot needs to crack the core), the new version has been fully able to drive AMD7 series graphics cards and Intel G2 integrated graphics, and supports the new Haswell platform HD4600 5000 5200 driver integrated graphics.

To install an image, you can only write to an unformatted partition using Hard Drive Helper, or restore it to a USB flash drive or a hard disk partition using Disk Management on Mac OS. If you already have a Mac, it is highly recommended to restore to a USB flash drive or USB hard drive, and then install a chameleon on your USB flash drive or USB hard drive, so that the USB flash drive or USB hard drive can be booted into the installation as a boot disk. If you don't want to write an installation image to your hard drive, then you can also use a USB portable hard drive to write to a partition on the USB hard drive under windows.

The boot method is recommended to use chameleon, as for the hardware recognition is slightly stronger, you can use Chameleon Install to install the windows version of the chameleon under windows, or you can engrave the wowpc.iso disk, this wowpc.iso disc can also guide your installation image.

A brief introduction to the production process of the Lazy Edition (OS X system):

1. Download the APP installation package from the network, right-click to display the package content, set to show all hidden files, open the original image of InstallESD.dmg, find the BaseSystem.dmg and open it for later use;

2. Open Disk Utility and create a new disk image with a custom size of 7G Install the image (the new 10.10.4 is much larger in size), then restore the BaseSystem.dmg from Disk Utility to the new image, after the restoration is completed, open the image, copy the Packages folder in the InstallESD.dmg to this BaseSystem.dmg and restore it to the SystemInstallation directory in the new image;

3. Using the tool Pacifist, open the extraction core in the Packages package, and then copy the mach_Kernel core files to this image/System/Library/Kernels/ directory.

4. Finally, replace the two MBR cracked patches, copy and replace OSinstall to the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/OSInstall.framework/Versions/A/OSInsstall directory;

Thanks to Prospects: crazybirdy has been providing cracked MBR patches

Briefly describe the basic installation steps (assuming only Windows users):

1. Compress the partition, use the hard disk assistant to write the installation image, compress the partition using windows disk manager The size of the compressed partition is 8192M=8G (you can also restore to other partitions later), because the installation image is about 7GB, after the compression partition is completed, run the hard disk assistant with administrator privileges, and write the installation image to your compressed partition;

2. To install the windows version of Chameleon, you need SVN2.4Ver2877 or above version Chameleon official support, otherwise the Chameleon version is too low and will restart indefinitely.

3. After installing the win chameleon, use the chameleon to boot the installation image written by the hard disk assistant to boot the installation, if you can't enter the installation graphical interface, please follow the novice five-country tutorial according to the -v diagram to troubleshoot, if you need to read and write the Mac installation image partition, please install MacDriver or HFS10 tool.

4. After the installation is completed, a single hard disk needs a windows PE to activate the win partition or 100M hidden partition, otherwise the hard disk can not boot the system, after entering the windows system, you need to copy the Extra directory in the installation image to the installed system partition, because the Extra directory is added later, the installer will not be automatically copied to the system, please manually copy to the installed partition.

5. Finally, guide into the installed system, enter the system according to the wizard settings, here are a few points to note, because the first time you enter the system, there is no network card driver, please choose not to connect to the Internet, otherwise it may be created as an ordinary user. Let's slowly refine the driver!

This installation source comes from the network, please install and test and delete it, the copyright belongs to Apple.

After the download is complete, use the tool Hash.exe verify the MD5 value of the downloaded installation image

File: Install macOS sierra 10.12.4.cdr

Size: 6400032768 bytes

Modified: April 27, 2017, 8:39:58 PM

MD5: 0F4DD7D494CB6C464A7BEF9077C2179E

SHA1: 0B5299346052E7FDE50222B1606239543AEA37B2

CRC32: 2210F747

To be continued...

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