OmniGraffle Pro 7.4.3 is a powerful graphics tool

OmniGraffle is a drawing software created by The Omni Group that runs only on Mac OS X and iPad. It won the Apple Design Award in 2002.

Application Description:

OmniGraffle can be used to draw diagrams, flowcharts, organizational charts, and illustrations, as well as to organize information thinking in your head, organize the results of brainstorming, draw mind maps, use as a style manager, or prototype a web page or PDF document.
It has a WYSIWYG interface that uses drag-and-drop. So-called "Stencils"—a set of shapes for drag-and-drop—can be used as plug-ins for OmniGraffle, and users can also create custom Stencils.


  1. Visio import/export: Open Microsoft Visio® documents (VSD or VDX), Visio directly in OmniGraffle
    Templates (VSS) and Visio Templates (VSTs). Export to a Visio XML document (VDX).
  2. Share layers: Easily update common elements to appear on multiple canvases. Layers can now be toggled between normal and shared layers.
  3. New controls have been added to specify the edges and centers of objects to be reflected in the Geometry Inspector, and you can set the X and Y coordinates of selected vertices.
  4. Shape Combinations: Easily create new shapes using combinations of existing shapes by merging, intersecting, and subtracting. Combined shapes can now be exploded into their component shapes.
  5. Resolution-independent display scale: When zoomed to 100%, matches to Apple dots, PostScript dots, or screen pixels.
  6. Photoshop export has been reintroduced to support exporting OmniGraffle layers as Photoshop layers.
  7. Table: Use the table's group shape, which can be used to easily add new template-shaped rows or columns.

Activation method


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