2016 Chinese Initial V Romance - Page 1 - Cupfox
One Switch 1.19 for Mac是一款功能集合软件,它在 Menubar 菜单里集成了隐藏桌面(图标)、切换 Dark Mode、保持亮屏、开启屏保,连接Airpods的一键切换按钮,将以往这些以独立小软件为单位的小功能集成到了一起,方便用户快速调用,实现是方便很多。
The latest and best romance movie recommendations, the list of popular romance films
One Switch for Mac是一款功能集合软件,它可以帮你一键隐藏桌面、切换 Dark Mode、保持亮屏、开启屏保,连接Airpods。
Screenshot of the app
Romance films
- 耳机连接:增加对 AirPods Max 的支持
- 播放音乐:修复可能导致界面卡住的问题
- 清空废纸篓:修复可能导致崩溃的问题
- 修复在 macOS Catalina 上的一些 UI 问题
Activation method
Direct installation
"The app is corrupted and won't open. You should move it to the Trash", see:The "Mac app" is corrupted and the solution cannot be opened
Romance films The latest and best romance movie recommendations, the list of popular romance films