Dato 2.4.0 cracked version Menu bar calendar app

Dato is a Mac menu bar calendar app. By default, it looks exactly the same as the system time, but when you click on it, a calendar, calendar events, the current time in each time zone, and so on are displayed. Calendars and events are read-only. Adding/editing events is not currently supported.


Application Description:

Dato is a Mac menu bar calendar app. By default, it looks exactly the same as the system time, but when you click on it, a calendar, calendar events, the current time in each time zone, and so on are displayed. Calendars and events are read-only. Adding/editing events is not currently supported. The author has no plans to increase support for the Chinese lunar calendar.

  • Calendar, optionally with the number of weeks and event indicators.
  • Upcoming events (customizable) for the next week at a glance.
  • time zone, optionally with a custom name.
  • Custom formatting of the date and time in the menu bar.
  • Highlight certain days of the week in the calendar.
  • Search time zones by city (15,000 cities included offline).
  • Supports all calendar services (iCloud, Google, Outlook, etc.) supported by the built-in calendar app.
  • Lots of in-app keyboard shortcuts for advanced users.
  • Global keyboard shortcuts to open/close applications. (macOS 10.15 or later)
  • Calendar events with HTML-formatted annotations are supported.
  • Displays seconds in the menu bar clock or menu. (Optional)
  • Zoom the "Join Zoom Meeting" button on the meeting calendar invite.
  • Open calendar events from Google Calendar directly in Google Calendar.
  • Custom color for the date and time menu bar text.
  • Double-click a day in the calendar to open it in the default calendar app. (Support: Calendar, Fantastical 2, BusyCal)
  • Press the arrow keys to change the date in the calendar.
  • Press the SPACEBAR to select today in the calendar.
  • Swipe over the calendar with two fingers to change the month, or press the left/right arrow key while holding down the Option key.
  • Hold down the Shift and Option keys while pressing the left/right arrow keys to change the year in the calendar.
  • Hold down the Option key while clicking on the calendar arrow to skip a year instead of a month.
  • In the event details, press Command + C to copy the selected text.

Screenshot of the app


Activation method

Direct installation

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