A convenient repair center that allows you to find and repair cracks with a simple mouse click. What's more, Amadeus Pro's powerful noise cancellation feature makes it easy for you to get rid of annoying hissing sounds.

Amadeus Pro Audio Editor with Multi-Track Support Uncategorized 2


Application Description:

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Amadeus Pro supports an audio editor with multiple audio tracks

  • VIP MembershipSupports conversion to the following file formats: AIFF, WAVE, Mp3, Ogg Vorbis, Mp4, M4a (AAC and Apple Soundtrack), FLAC, Apple CAF, QuickTime, SoundDesigner II, Next, Mp2 (read-only). Allows you to request a collection of acoustics for any sequence. Preserve metadata (artist, song title, album cover, etc.).
  • 保存网站链接Amadeus pro for mac is a very powerful Mac music editor on Mac os platform, Amadeus pro for mac is a powerful multi-track audio editor that supports a variety of formats such as MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, Apple Lossless, AIFF, Wave, etc.
  • Amadeus Pro Audio Editor with Multi-Track Support Uncategorized 1任何类型的文件都可以添加到Keep It或保存到其文件夹中,并在其原始应用程序中打开并进行编辑。借助iCloud,所有Mac和iOS设备都可以自动进行更改。
  • 预览和编辑With just a few clicks, Amadeus Pro can burn your recordings to a CD

Full support for two audio units and VST audio plug-ins. Extensions and customizations are available to meet your specific requirements. The most commonly used effects for the built-in program (multi-band graphic equalizer, volume normalization, fade in/fade out, echo, speed and pitch changes, etc.).

  • If you want to convert to MP3 files, let Amadeus Pro come! The powerful batch processor not only allows you to convert a large number of files in any format, but also processes the sound effects of any sequence.Multitrack editing
  • Amadeus Pro is a powerful multi-track audio editor that supports a wide range of formats, including MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis保持它可以通过iCloud与其他Keep It用户共享顶级文件夹和单个项目。参与者将自动查看所有更改。

Batch processing

  • Powerful batch processing capabilities文件夹允许您在需要时分层组织项目和捆绑包。选择一个文件夹查看它包含的所有内容。
  • sound effect当你需要把东西收集到一个地方时,做一个捆绑。项目一次可以位于多个捆绑包中,而当您移除捆绑包时,其他所有内容都保留在原来的位置。
  • HomeDownie 3.3.7 Video Downloader
  • Personal Center使用“最近”列表查看最近添加或查看的内容,最新显示的内容为最新内容。收藏夹提供快速访问。删除的项目在30天后自动删除。


  • SearchAmadeus Pro is a full-featured multi-track audio editor. Each track can be split into multiple audio clips that are independent of each other and easy to drag. In addition, audio units can be applied to individual tracks in real-time without any destructive editing.
  • 标签过滤器Powerful denoising and repair features make it easy to remove annoying hiss from your favorite recordings or old records.


  • Amadeus Pro is a powerful multi-track audio editor that supports a wide range of formats, including MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, Apple Lossless, AIFF, Wave, and more. The volume and pan of each track can be adjusted independently of each other. Each audio track can be divided into multiple audio clips that can be easily dragged independently of each other. In addition, the audio unit can be applied to individual tracks in real-time, allowing batch editing!Keep It将您添加为Finder中的所有文件,文件夹和标签添加到应用程序中,而不是将所有内容填充到数据库中。您甚至可以将新文件保存到这些文件夹以自动添加它们。
  • 真正的整合这种方法可让Keep It与系统和所有现有应用程序一起工作,文件可以使用Spotlight进行搜索,使用Time Machine进行备份,并可在任何合适的应用程序中打开进行编辑。

Amadeus Pro Multi-track Audio Editor for Mac - Mac Poison

  • A dedicated equalizer can be used to worn-out the sound在紧凑模式下,Keep It for Mac成为单列,非常适合与其他应用程序一起使用或分屏显示。
  • 适用于其他应用程序几乎所有东西都可以拖动到Keep It,并且您还可以通过Keep It的共享扩展从各种应用中添加内容。

Screenshot of the app



  • Amadeus Pro is a powerful multi-track audio editor that supports a wide range of formats, including MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, Apple Lossless, AIFF, Wave, and more. The volume and pan of each track can be adjusted independently of each other. Each audio track can be divided into multiple audio clips
  • 在两个都存在查看项的列表之间切换时,性能得到改善。
  • Split into multiple audio tracks for recording
  • 修复了在单独的窗口中打开附件时,第一次将附件添加到RTF文件时可能发生的崩溃。
  • 修复了笔记缩略图无法正确绘制的问题。
  • Repair center
  • 修复了导出文件时无法跳过无法阅读的注释的问题。
  • 修复了导出加密项目时“活动”视图的外观。
  • The activation code can be filled in as long as you want

Activation method

Direct installation

"The app is corrupted and won't open. You should move it to the Trash", see:The "Mac app" is corrupted and the solution cannot be opened

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