Keyboard Maestro 9.2 Mac自动化神器

analectaKeyboard Maestro 9.2   Mac自动化神器 未分类 第1张

Serialized, updated every Thursday at 11:00

Keyboard Maestro 的所有功能都由Marco实现,你可以将不同类型的Marcos归为到一组Group,而Marco本身只是个组织形式,真正的高手还是背后的Trigger,Script和Action。Trigger的种类除了Hot Key,还有Typed String(输入字符)、Application(应用程序)、Login、System Wake等15种;除了使用Trigger,我们还能使用Apple Script,Python Script等5种脚本来触发Action;Action的可选方案就更多了,大约有近百种这个级别。


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Keyboard Maestro 9.2   Mac自动化神器 未分类 第2张

Update: 2023-04-27 22:30:07

  • Native build for Apple Silicon.
  • Added new method of choosing characters for Icon Chooser.
  • Added support for copy&paste of Icon Image Well images retaining very compressed size icons.
  • Added support for pasting characters (including emoji) in to Icon Image Wells.
  • Added support for pasting icons to multiple macros or macro groups.
  • Added support for currency characters in Icon Chooser.
  • Added support for customising Smart Macro Group icons.
  • Added support for autofocus on select fields in Custom HTML Prompt.
  • Added support for v in token text fields.
  • Added support for case insensitive characters in Conflict Palette earlier than characters with mixed-length case conversions (eg ß).
  • Actions that attempt to perform text operations on images or folders now fail with an error.
  • Adjusted the Contact sheet to only fill the fields from Contacts if you explicitly request it to.
  • Adjusted the Report Feature Requests sheet to only fill the fields from Contacts if you explicitly request it to.
  • Added a way to force-unregister Keyboard Maestro.
  • Reduced some needless CPU wastage in the editor (more pronounced on Apple Silicon).
  • Fixed an issue where editor search was not searching Cancel a Specific Macro’s instance field.
  • Fixed an issue with macro group activated for one action, leading to conflict palette.
  • Fixed an issue with macro groups remaining active after their palette has been dismissed.
  • Fixed that Duplicating a Macro Group would not preserve its focussed window condition.
  • Added entitlements for Camera & Microphone to ensure they could be used by scripts if desired.
  • Possibly resolved a rare crash involving notificationLargeTextChanged.

"Ding! You gave your apprentice Li Xiu's non-entry exercise "The Eighth Set of Broadcast Gymnastics", which triggered a 10,000-fold return, congratulations on obtaining the god-level exercise "Taixuan Body Technique". Many years later: "Even if the White Jade Emperor himself is so strong, why are all his apprentices the ceiling among the monks of the same generation?" ” "Because my master never hides his secrets!" The apprentices, who have become giants in all parties, said proudly.

Updated to 81 episodes

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