Boom 2 v1.6.13 system-level audio enhancer and equalizer

Boom is a device volume management tool for macOS that can make your Mac louder and your music better.

Boom 2 v1.6.13 System-Level Audio Enhancer and Equalizer Uncategorized 1

Application Description:

Boom 2 changes all the sounds in your Mac computers to make them louder, clearer, and better. It self-corrects to adapt to your Mac computer and offers fully customizable features. Now everything from all your favorite services — like Netflix, Skype, Spotify, iTunes, and more — to sound better than ever!

Boom 2 comes with a free remote control app for iPhone and iPad that controls Boom 2's features as well as VLC, QuickTime, and iTunes on your Mac! And Boom 2 is fully compatible with OS X's VoiceOver Assistive feature to help people with vision impairments.

Screenshot of the app


Boom 2 v1.6.13 System-Level Audio Enhancer and Equalizer Uncategorized Sheet 2
Boom 2 v1.6.13 System-Level Audio Enhancer and Equalizer Uncategorized Sheet 3


  • App installation issues on Apple Silicon systems have been fixed.

Activation method

Direct installation

The app is corrupted and won't open. You should move it to the TrashSee:The "Mac app" is corrupted and the solution cannot be opened

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