Bookends 13.4.6 ƽ Document Management Tool

Bookends is a document document paper management software that can help you collect, find, organize, annotate, sync, and publish reference documents. Supports searching for references and related PDFs or web pages through the built-in search engine.

Bookends 13.4.6 Ƽ Document Management Tools Uncategorized 1

Application Description:

Bookends is a document document paper management software that can help you collect, find, organize, annotate, sync, and publish reference documents. Supports searching for references and related PDFs or web pages through the built-in search engine. Compatible with Microsoft Word 2011/2016 and later, Mellel, Apple Pages, Nisus Writer Pro, Manuscripts, and LibreOffice/OpenOffice 4. You can easily import reference documents and PDFs from Sente, Papers, and EndNote into Bookends.

Screenshot of the app

Bookends 13.4.6 ƽ Document Management Tools Uncategorized 2

Activation method

Direct installation

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