Zoc Terminal 7.22.5 is a powerful terminal app

ZOC Terminal is a powerful SSH/Telnet terminal tool on Mac, compared to the terminal program that comes with the system, ZOC Termina has a variety of powerful functions, similar to SecureCRT, with line label customization, historical commands, backtracking, multi-window, autocomplete commands, file upload and download and other features, very suitable for Linux system administrators, very practical!

Zoc Terminal 7.22.5 Powerful Terminal App Uncategorized 1

Application Description:

ZOC for mac is a remote login software that runs on the MAC platform, which is a very professional SSH/Telnet client and terminal emulator. Supports ANSI, VT52, VT100, VT102, VT220, IBM 3270 and Secure Shell, etc., and is a unit that accesses the host and host through multiple communication methods such as Secure Shell, Remote Login, Serial Cable, Modem/ISDN, etc.

  1. ZOC is similar to SecureCRT for Windows, and is a tool used to run on Windows, MAC, UNIX/Linux and Windows
    VMS is a tool for remote systems.
  2. Other than that
    It supports Telent and Rlogin protocols, line label customization, historical commands, backtracking, multi-window, automatic generation of all typing commands and recording files that display results, scripts and automation, compatibility with Windows 7 and OS X Lion, a user-friendly administrator configuration interface, file transfer and much more.
  3. This software is mainly suitable for professionals engaged in related industries, including remote network debugging, remote system debugging, local network, system debugging, troubleshooting, and so on.

Screenshot of the app


Activation method

Activate with the serial number in the Key.txt

"The app is corrupted and won't open. You should move it to the Trash", see:The "Mac app" is corrupted and the solution cannot be opened

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