Paw 3.1.5 实用的HTTP/REST服务测试工具
Mac毒搜集到的Paw 是一款Mac上实用的HTTP/REST服务测试工具,完美兼容最新的OS X El Capitan系统,Paw可以让Web开发者设置各种请求Header和参数,模拟发送HTTP请求,测试响应数据,支持OAuth, HTTP Basic Auth, Cookies,JSONP等,这对于开发Web服务的应用很有帮助,非常实用的一款Web开发辅助工具。
Paw HTTP Client 是一款Mac上的HTTP客户端模拟测试工具,可以让Web开发者设置各种请求Header和参数,模拟发送HTTP请求,测试响应数据,支持OAuth, HTTP Basic Auth, Cookies等,设置HTTP标头,URL参数,JSON,url编码的表单,或多体。在馆藏档案整理你的请求,并生成客户端代码。这对于开发Web服务的应用很有帮助,非常实用的一款Web开发辅助工具。
Version 3.0.14:
Adds support for Touch Bar on the new MacBook Pro
Adds ability to send requests with their dependencies ⇧⌘⏎ (will send dependent requests following request/response/cookies dynamic values) - A great way to automatically chain your requests
Fixes JSON tree expand/collapse items persistence - Paw will now remember which items were collapsed or expanded in a JSON request/response
Fixes display issues in the Environment Editor
Fixes a display bug in the scroll bars when switching between dark/light modes
Fixes an issue with JSON numbers being rendered in scientific notation
Fixes an issue with OAuth 2 access token requests to include charset=utf-8 in the Content-Type header
Fixes OAuth 2 token auto-refresh when embedded in an environment variable
Fixes memory usage issues
Fixes various crashes
Extensions Api:
Adds a new clone() method for Request objects to duplicate a request
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