Amadeus Pro Multi-track Audio Editor for Mac - Mac Poison

Amadeus Pro is a powerful multi-track audio editor that supports a wide range of formats, including MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis

Amadeus Pro Audio Editor with Multi-Track Support Uncategorized 1

Amadeus pro for mac is a very powerful Mac music editor on Mac os platform, Amadeus pro for mac is a powerful multi-track audio editor that supports a variety of formats such as MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, Apple Lossless, AIFF, Wave, etc.

Powerful batch processing capabilities

Amadeus Pro is a full-featured multi-track audio editor. Each track can be split into multiple audio clips that are independent of each other and easy to drag. In addition, audio units can be applied to individual tracks in real-time without any destructive editing.

If you want to convert to MP3 files, let Amadeus Pro come! The powerful batch processor not only allows you to convert a large number of files in any format, but also processes the sound effects of any sequence.

A convenient repair center that allows you to find and repair cracks with a simple mouse click. What's more, Amadeus Pro's powerful noise cancellation feature makes it easy for you to get rid of annoying hissing sounds.

Full support for two audio units and VST audio plug-ins. Extensions and customizations are available to meet your specific requirements. The most commonly used effects for the built-in program (multi-band graphic equalizer, volume normalization, fade in/fade out, echo, speed and pitch changes, etc.).

Powerful denoising and repair features make it easy to remove annoying hiss from your favorite recordings or old records.

Split into multiple audio tracks for recording

Supports conversion to the following file formats: AIFF, WAVE, Mp3, Ogg Vorbis, Mp4, M4a (AAC and Apple Soundtrack), FLAC, Apple CAF, QuickTime, SoundDesigner II, Next, Mp2 (read-only). Allows you to request a collection of acoustics for any sequence. Preserve metadata (artist, song title, album cover, etc.).

Amadeus Pro Audio Editor with Multi-Track Support Uncategorized Sheet 2 - Mac Poison

Amadeus Pro Audio Editor with Multi-Track Support Uncategorized 2

<b>Online customer service</b> <u>9:00~21:00</u>

Downie 3.3.7 Video Downloader

据悉,15 英寸的新 MacBook Pro 性能相比旧款提升 70%;而 13 英寸版本也相比旧款性能提升 1 倍之多。但比较遗憾的是,非 Touch Bar 版本的 MacBook Pro 并未参与此次更新。

刚刚,新 MacBook Pro 发布了 未分类 第7张

刚刚,新 MacBook Pro 发布了 未分类 第8张

此次更新除了新 MacBook Pro 外,苹果还带来了 Blackmagic 的外置图形处理站。

作为 MacBook Pro 的支援设备,该设备配备了 AMD Radeon Pro 580 图形处理器,规格为 8GB GDDR 5 的运存。机身配备了 2 个雷电 3 插孔,4 个 USB 3.0 接口以及 1 个 HDMI 2.0 接口。

Batch processing

刚刚,新 MacBook Pro 发布了 未分类 第9张

售价方面,新 MacBook Pro 13 分别定价为 14188 元和 15788 元;MacBook Pro 15 定价 18688 元和 21988 元。

Convert records or tapes to CDs


Multitrack editing

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