Mac poison


Application Description:



  • Video
  • general
  • Official account
  • essay

Screenshot of the app



This update fixes several bugs to improve the overall usability of the app:

- Improve reliability of the Safari App Extension which could become disabled on complex web sites
- Fix a bug that caused non-image files such as PDF documents to be converted to single-pixel images
- Fix a bug that prevented dragging images from the "Uploaded" tab of the Media Manager
- Revert to pre-4.1 behavior of postponing initializing Media Manager until window is opened
- Tag completion now prioritizes exact diacritical matches ahead of fuzzy matches
- Restore the "Don't show again" checkbox on the Rich/Plain text mode switch alert

Activation method

Direct installation

"The app is corrupted and won't open. You should move it to the Trash", see:The "Mac app" is corrupted and the solution cannot be opened

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